Monday, September 17, 2007

Arnie veto expected; plus, a new office sweet

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to veto the latest same-sex marriage bill approved by the state legislature, the San Francisco Chronicle says today. Those naughty boys at business-attire-themed porn producer Men at Play have released their newest waggishly-titled concoction, KamaSuitra Gold (left). Smack down! Chris Crocker, the over-the-top, 19-year-old way-fey Britney Spears fan, goes after Fox News in a new YouTube video: "Mention me again and there will be a problem, Fox News." Crocker's original video screed attacking Spears' critics continues to climb YouTube's charts. Meanwhile, oldie and definitely moldy disco group The Village People plans to sue YouTube over a video featuring Hitler and a coterie of prominent Nazis singing YMCA.

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