Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hello, darlings! I'm back with scandalous news!

Phew! That was one drug-addled, sex-obsessed holiday! And I'm not even talking about my recent romp with Sparky in Provincetown, Ibiza and London. There we were Thursday night, wandering down London's way-gay Old Compton Street, not far from our Soho hotel, when I nearly ran into a tiny woman clutching another equally tiny woman as they crept down the sidewalk. Sparky, I said, that's one serious fan of Amy Winehouse (above): One of those women has tricked herself out to look just like the British pop singer.

The next morning, I saw a scrum of photographers in front of the Covent Garden Hotel, one door down from where we were staying at the Mountbatten. No shrinking violent, I asked one of the paps what was up. "Amy Winehouse is staying at that hotel,'' he told me. It was a short time later before I learned the tawdry truth: Winehouse and her bad-boy husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, had been photographed only hours before my near run-in on Compton, bloody and disheveled after a possible fight with Blake. She'd fled rehab for cocaine and heroin addiction earlier in the week after just a five days' stay.

See: Sparky and I always stay among quality folk -- like Francois Sagat's (ex?) boyfriend, Franceso D'Macho, who we saw at Playa des Cavallet on Ibiza!

1 comment:

rocky said...

You don't have to say "Francois Sagat" to keep me interested ... but ... ahem - it doesn't hurt. Glad you're back.