I'm reminded of that story every time I slip on a pair of GrigioPerla briefs because Rubirosa enjoyed custom-made underwear. Italian undies, I always say, are engineered for the special needs of the Italian male animal. (Like me. Officially, I'm 25% Italian, 25% Irish, with the rest English/Scottish. But Sparky says I look all Italian.)
GrigioPerla's sister outfit, La Perla, is the brand of choice for high-priced hookers, according to the $2,000-an-hour prostitute featured in this New York magazine story. I didn't think you could buy GrigioPerla in the states until I ran across BareNecessities. And while I know the brand is pricey, I had no idea you could spend as much as $67 each, for the Cebrione model. And the matching T-shirt is $102, to boot.